4 Quick skin tips

Elemis pressure point facial.

1. Drink lots of water. It’s just good for us. Period. H2O hydrates our organs and tissues to keep our skin looking smooth and supple. Gray, lifeless skin is a clear indicator of dehydration, so drink up!

2. Avoid prolonged sun exposure. We should all know by now the importance of sunscreen. And there is no excuse for not using it being that it can now be found in our skin care products, make up, lotions, and even in our clothes. But also keep in mind the terrible damage the sun wreaks on our skin, especially on the face and neck. You can shave yearsoff of your face just by diligently wearing SPF daily.

3. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Free radicals are released from cigarette smoke which increases wrinkles by 82 percent! Smoking also kills off the body’s vitamin A and C, and decreases its elasticity. Alcohol also robs the body of its vitamins, as well as dehydrates it which does real damage. Not trying to politic for prohibition, but know that drinking and smoking are two of the worst things you can do to your skin.

4. Cool it on the Stress. When we stress, the first place it shows up is on the skin. Stress causes break outs, and makes the appearance of our skin dull and lifeless. It also compromises our immune systems, and can cause other illness. RELAX!